Cosmos Ⅰ
AI, digital media, archival pigment print, 1900x1300mm, 2’30”
Part of the Tableau Vivant series, which means "living picture. The work is based on the medium of photography, which captures moments of creation and destruction simultaneously, and the virtual subject in the camera's eye repeats the dance of ontological Mise en abyme. The AI-generated virtual dancer is simultaneously inside and outside the camera. The dancer is both fiction and potential, and struggles to erase boundaries.

AI, digital media, archival pigment print, 1900x1300mm, 2’30”
Tunghai University Art Center, Tunghai, Taiwan, 2023

AI, digital media, archival pigment print, 1900x1300mm, 2’30”
Tunghai University Art Center, Tunghai, Taiwan, 2023

AI, digital media, archival pigment print, 1900x1300mm, 2’30”
Tunghai University Art Center, Tunghai, Taiwan, 2023