This performance is conceptualized around an old operating method. The performers encounter the former sewage treatment plant through the artist's body language, exploring the space's images and sounds. It is a non-linear interactive performance where the performers act as docents, guiding the audience through the installation artwork and electronic sounds, while forming a new web of meaning together with the audience through their unique performance.

GRIDA EpⅢ Steel, Seoul Innovation Center, Seoul, Korea, 2016

GRIDA EpⅢ Steel, Seoul Innovation Center, Seoul, Korea, 2016

GRIDA EpⅢ Steel, Seoul Innovation Center, Seoul, Korea, 2016

GRIDA EpⅢ Steel, Seoul Innovation Center, Seoul, Korea, 2016

GRIDA EpⅢ Steel, Seoul Innovation Center, Seoul, Korea, 2016

GRIDA EpⅢ Steel, Seoul Innovation Center, Seoul, Korea, 2016